Friday 23 March 2012

Thursday 22 March 2012

Semi-nude fashion shoot

Well it is the year for trying new things and stretching myself into other areas of photography and creativity... so I decided to give this a shot and see how I enjoyed it.  I loved every minute of it and think I will be planning another shoot very soon!  Not only was it nice to be able to be in total control of everything (working with kids you dont get to even control the start time, let alone the rest of the shoot!), but the editing part of it was fun too - making sure the end product was perfect.  Take a look and see what you think...

To book your fashion/beauty shoot, visit or call me on 0413 764 473.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Facebook changes...

Well - I've just been spending some time on my Facebook page and updating things to their newest settings which will be compulsory for all business pages as of the end of this month.  If you'd like to go have a squiz, I will feel a lot better about having spent the majority of my morning "off" working on it!  :)

I must admit, even though it's a pain in the backside sometimes to change things, I guess it's nice to have variety and shake things up a bit even if it is in Facebook-land...

Cheerio and will update some pics soon.


Thursday 16 February 2012

Favourites, favourites, favourites!

I'd like to think I've come a long way since I started up my business... but sometimes looking back over my favourites makes me proud to be a photographer of such gorgeous kiddies and families.  So far this year, I've managed to buy a brand new LOVELY camera, new lenses, new backdrops, new props and blankets and some nice new lighting too.  So, if you're keen for a photoshoot, make sure you check our my website and my package prices as the 2012 prices will be kicking in shortly!

Friday 10 February 2012

Little Miss J - a lover of the camera!

It always makes life a bit easier when you get kids that like to work with you... lucky for me I have one of those!  She laps up the limelight, so when a camera is pointed at her, well - let's just say she turns into a mini-Munroe!  This shoot took me about 7.5 minutes to be precise... and I managed to get about 20 photos out of it!  :)  Thanks my darling Little Miss J.  Hopefully mum wont wait so long between the next one. x

If you'd fancy shots like this of your little ones, please visit my website at for more info and package prices.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Beautiful Miss Blue-Eyes!

This gorgeous bub has eyes to die for!!  Even though she wasn't too happy about trying out some of my new props, we did manage to get some nice ones of her just kicking back and observing her surroundings.  With eyes like that, though, mum and dad will need to keep a close eye on her when she gets older!!  Although, with a loving, protective big bro, Im sure you wont have any problems!  :)

My precious Little Miss K

It's not very often I get the time to photograph my own kids *smack on the wrist!*, but since the backdrop was set up and my Little Miss K was taking a liking to some of the props, I decided to pop her in there and snap away.  She was only in there for about 3 minutes all up, but it took all that time to coax a smile out of her!  I finally was rewarded with one, making it all worth while.  Maybe I'll manage to get one of her sister next time...